Community and Sense of Belonging | Rita Buehring | TEDxUWE

About Sense of Belonging

Rita explores the concept of Community and how it has been shaped by her personal journey. She begins by asking the audience to reflect on what belonging means whether it’s tied to family and friends.

Rita shares her own story, in East Africa until the sudden loss of her parents at the age of 9.

This loss disrupted her sense of home and she was carrying a heavy bag filled with unwanted emotions and experiences.

Eventually, adopted by her aunt in Switzerland, provided her with love and support, struggled to feel like she truly belonged.

Moving to the UK for university did not bring the she encountered judgment and expectations based on her skin color.

Rita learns about the attachment theory and realizes that her disrupted attachment to influenced her sense of belonging.

Through self-reflection and intentional choices, Rita starts to redefine belonging as a feeling within herself rather than a physical entity. She takes control of her life, chooses what she wants to carry in her bag, and pursues education and impactful initiatives. Rita’s journey teaches the audience that belonging is not just about a place or specific people, but rather a feeling deep inside oneself.

By embracing this understanding, she has been able to thrive and make a difference in her life and the lives of others. Rita is currently a student at the University of Bristol pursuing a Master’s in Psychology of Education. She holds a degree in Early Childhood Studies (First-Class accreditation) from the University of the West of England.

She is passionate about how our early years’ experiences influence the development of an individual’s mind and behavior. Rita grew up in a household of mixed ethnicity in Kenya, moved to Switzerland in her early teens and eventually to the United Kingdom. Her journey has piqued her interest in what shapes us as individuals and how we develop a sense of belonging. She believes in the power of Society to unleash our potential. Rita spends her spare time writing poems, working out and building Society through various early childhood education-related non profits in East Africa.