

Highly personalized, these packages combine different treatments with oral medications and Ayurvedic diet.

Total Beauty Care  

For dry skin, pimples, wrinkles, acne, skin allergies, flabby skin, hair fall and smelly sweat. Makes skin tender and smooth.


Strengthens the immune system to achieve ideal health and to prevent seasonal diseases.


Slows down aging by improving vigor/ vitality/complexion and toning the skin.    


For those suffering from severe depression.    

Student package  

Ideal for 10 to 20 age-group. Sharpens memory/intelligence/sight and increases efficiency.    

Sexual vitality  

For sexual weakness, lack of interest, hormonal imbalance, infertility, premature ejaculation and inadequate size of the organ.    

Total Pregnancy care

Ensures smooth delivery and takes care of discomforts before and after childbirth.  

Weight reduction

A program to shed excess body-weight.    

Stress Management

For those who feel it is high time they started to unwind.   

Computer-related hazards

Ideal for computer professionals. Takes care of back pain, shoulder pain, eye pain/strain and carpal tunnel syndrome.